Neil Wu Wins the MDO Student Paper Competition at AIAA Aviation

Neil Wu’s paper on geometric parameterization won first place in the MDO student paper competition at the AIAA Aviation Forum.
Neil Wu’s paper on geometric parameterization won first place in the MDO student paper competition at the AIAA Aviation Forum.
Anil Yildirim’s paper on coupled aeropropulsive optimization was selected the best student paper in MDO at the AIAA Aviation Forum.
Anil Yildirim receives the AIAA Gordon C. Oates Air Breathing Propulsion Graduate Award with his contributions in aeropropulsive design optimization.
Congratulations to Alasdair Gray on being awarded the Jefferson Goblet Student Paper Award for the highest-ranked student paper in the aerospace design and structures category at the 2021 AIAA SciTech conference.
Congratulations to Eytan Adler and Alexander Coppeans for receiving the Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE) Fellowship! This is a competitive fellowship awarded by MICDE to current and incoming students all across the university whose research project involves the use and advancement of scientific computing.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) published a COVID-19 forecasting model that used the complex-step method for computing derivatives. The derivatives of the model were used in the curve fitting optimizations. Our complex-step paper was one of four papers cited in the appendix that describes their model.
A NASA team developed a COVID-19 model based on the OpenMDAO using the Dymos tool for optimal control. The code is available in this repository. The advantage compared to other model is the efficient computation of derivatives, which would for optimizing difference scenarios, parameter identification, and uncertainty quantification.
Congratulations to Shamsheer Chauhan for receiving an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award! This is a competitive University-wide award that Shamsheer earned as a GSI for my Aircraft Design class. He went well beyond the call of duty, which was much appreciated by the students and myself.